sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

Reflection of the article “Developing CLIL: Towards a theory of practice” by Professor Do Coyle

This article talk about what a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is and how we can do prepare and practice it in a school class. In my opinion, the most important ideas in this article are what is CLIL, the 4Cs Framework, the trainee teachers and the communities of practice.
Regarding the first point, Do Coyle says that CLIL encompasses any activity in which a foreign language is used as a tool in the learning of a non-language subject in which both language and the subject have a joint role. That is, CLIL consists of using a foreign language in a non-language subject.
The second issue, the 4Cs Framework are developed by Coyle that is used to support CLIL pedagogy. The 4Cs Framework takes account the content, communication, cognition and culture, that is, integrating learning (content and cognition) and language learning (communication and cultures). I think this is very important to have an effective CLIL.
According to Kelly & Grenfell, and I agree, the trainee teachers should fulfil some characteristics of CLIL for that an effective CLIL takes place. Some suggestions are that trainee teachers should have the chance to teach in local bilingual using CLIL methods, should practise CLIL teaching in methodology seminars and workshops, should be aware of the body of research into CLIL approaches to language teaching and finally, should be able to benefit from more cooperation between teacher education institutions and local schools.
The above leads to the fourth and last point: the communities of practice. From my point of view, it is very important that teachers have a feedback from partnerships that are working with CLIL methodology. This may take place if teachers work together in a cooperation and a collaboration way.
To conclude, there are many ways in which you can give out the CLIL feedback, for example, blogs.  

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